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Book nine east templeses contends for chapter 274 to harm adversary through the hands of others(medium)
The Cui only and far faced out.Go one gift to the Gong body of Li Qing An, "do not know a great commander soldier arrival, have already far lost to face, ten thousand hope to forgive offense!"
Do officer in the capital city place, the most tired is the above tall officer too many, don't get to capital city, don't know that the officer is small, this truth, the Cui light far and literally reviews a legal case, the party concerned's wanting Yao is still the son niece of book, the Yao is a prince of connect Jin, always and the so some turn of Gao Guan You puts on a horny relation, so although Li Qing An does obeisance for Anne west stanza degree making, also a provincial governor and military district commander of equal to future generations, also being unlikely to let Cui light far so big gift mutually.
The key is the whereabouts that Li Qing An has Xing 縡 , or says Xing 縡 in the his hand, Yang Guo Zhong yesterday morning fell the news hurting have already Chang-an got about government and people, Li Qing anna Duo Duo pressing vehemence and fascinatingly attacked to make the some person filled with exultation, also made some persons gnash the teeth with hatred, but was a supporter no matter, all saw out one big redoubtable enemy that Li Qing An will be Yang Guo Zhong.
Cui light far of the mood is complicated.On the other hand Yang Guo Zhong's greatly hurting will hate bitterly to ownly betray more, on the other hand Li Qing An of pre-eminent show him front line to hope again, he even hopes that the Xing 縡 can know that the boon hopes to repay and talks for he or she the United States in front of Li Qing An and Wang Gong, so Li Qing An's arrival lets to was full of expectation in his heart today.
For Cui light far, Li Qing An is to know 1:00, historical ruin a house for the country, be point this person, also be regarded as one has backbone of person, Li Qing An sees his body quantity the highest and seem to be than oneself Gao Yi Ge's top of head still, the then tiny arch hand says with smile:"I came suddenly and bothered a Cui county to make official business."
"Where!Where!The great commander soldier pleases all and pleases not, quick!In sit."
"The Cui county makes to please!"
Li Qing An followed him county Ya, in those early years he for cruised Cha to make, and Chang-an the county once beat many handed over a way, many people in the county Ya still recognized, many people all saluted to his Gong body, Li Qing An also 11 wearing a smile nod.
At this time, the Cui light far and suddenly discovers a far from good matter, all of this many people in the county Ya are Yang Guo Zhong's old persons, oneself just come in the dynasty building to Li Qing An, Yang Guo Zhong be not know right away?This fell in more his betrayal Yang Guo Zhong, go and live with Li Qing An's gossip, in the Cui light heart not from secretly complain of hard lot, but at this time already too late, Li Qing An walks into his dynasty building.
"The Cui county makes to transact of pretty spacious of!"Li Qing An smiles to conjecture this.
"Have been so.The decade lately once fixs, it is said that oldly still having to be a little bit spacious."
The Cui only and far hesitated for a while and still kept closing the door, in the door lightly gather together that for an instant, he clearly saw some visions of cold idea in the county Cheng Yao cloud Pei and lord book Shao's even eye, all of these 2 people are Yang Guo Zhong's old bottom classes, a wish to take him but generation it, probably this descends them aware of self held tight his Cui light far hold, Cui light far and secretly the wry smile is a , in river's lake, person's body not from F!
"Great commander soldier Pleases sit down!"
The Cui only and far invites Li Qing to sit idly bottom, again to him pour one cup tea, this just sit at him in front, ask a way:"How does the great commander soldier thought of to me here today?"
Li Qing An drank tea, tiny tiny a say with smile:"I is since then public affairs."
"Public affairs?"
The Cui light is far stunned speechless, public affairs does he close the door to do what?This not is only to make it conspicuous?He feel be full of in mouth bitter and astringent, oneself was a little bit imagine oneself as the favorite, Li Qing An saw only far eye of Cui in of lose, then say with smile again:"But I want to thank Cui county for first to make heavy feeling heavy righteousness it raise, I put in army camp outside the city descend water wine, ask a Cui county to make to attend party.Then the Cui county makes of some good friends will also pay respects to, don't know that the Cui county makes to come?"
Li Qing An comes to seek Cui light far be not pure seek he wants gold state two strange materials, he knows the predicament that the Cui only and far will soon face, after betraying Yang Guo Zhong, Cui only and far will soon face be demoted of danger, this is just a person on the history, Anne's history of in disorder after once served as sword south the stanza degree made, Yang Guo Zhong left it need not, why didn't his Li Qing An receive a debt bottom?But this kind of affair he again not ability direct openings, the somebody else wishes would not like to still one thing, so pay first to have a meal, again slowly establish friendship, after drawing near relation, again suggest the meaning of accepting Luo.
The Cui only and far understands Li Qing An's meaning and goes to his army camp and has a meal, is this to suggest him?He the heart Peng Peng ground jumped, he wanted to go and live with Wang Gong, but had never thought Li Qing An to suggest to him on his own initiative, is this his opportunity?Cui light in the middle of the far heart excrescent strain, he quickly considers he to accept this invitation, if don't accept, that probably Wang Gong can't register him, either, with Yang Guo Zhong's personality more can't on smiling Min gratitude and revenge, this person although have the prime minister's power,have no prime minister's quantity, he may own nothing at all very much, can if he promised, at least he in the future can also go to Anne the west as officer, it is said that have a special place subsidy for officer to there.The salary is liberal, and still has orthodox beard Ji beauty to wait upon, is the such life one big happy event, why not promise?
Thought of this, Cui light far and gladly way:"Now that great commander Lee's soldier have been already pleased, I wish to attend party, long the soldier smelling great commander Lee is a world first arrows, I early want to beg for to teach an arrows method to great commander Lee's soldier and hoped a great commander soldier to advise."
"Is all right, the Cui county is made, I take a Cui county to make to drink alcohol the night hunt, not quick Zai!"
The Cui light far heroism is big prosperous, the previous discomfort is thrown without a trace, he loudly says with smile:"Good!I definitely arrive punctually."
"Finish saying private affairs, we should say public affairs."
Li Qing An took back way of thinking, the Cui only and far heard to is public affairs, he doesn't dare to neglect, immediately arch hand way:"Great commander soldier say, please!"
"Is so!"
Li Qing An ponders a way:"I once met a sting in the Wei late county while making for the way observation in Henan, that after the event was unable to come it, but I grasped two assassins at that time, it is said that was Chang-an Liu Shi's brothers that once was once making a big case, declared gold state two strange.Afterwards send them to go into Chang-an, but they ambiguously died, they also ruined in the material of the county in ten thousand years, I am investigating this matter now, listen to the county in ten thousand years say, Chang-an the county also has their 2 people's parts of materials, I hope that the Cui county makes to find out this part of materials for me."
"Affair of treasure in the sky eight years!"
The Cui only and far wanted to think a way:"Probably can also find out, if again early several years, probably can't keep, so!I seek right away, if found out.I send to army camp to go to in the evening, the great commander soldier sees so good?"
"That pleased a Cui county to make."
Li Qing An stands to start, the arch arch says with smile:"I didn't bother a Cui county to make, we gathered again in the evening!"
"Good!I send to a great commander soldier to go out."
When Li Qing An goes to county Ya, the Yan Kai also found out to celebrate Wang Li Cong, should say that locking up expects to have been already ended for a year of Li Cong, he can go out at any time, but from lock up to expect and end till now, Li Cong still a day also has no and passes by door, he even has never left a grounds and drinks, delicacies, woman, take medicine, sleeping, these are five matters that he cans not strikes by lightning every day, he doesn't feel boring as well, he every day as living of walking corpse, his heart is dead, wants and seek pleasant in time, can seek pleasant for a day and calculate for a day, all of his ambition life ambitions scold but leave for with the father emperor's Nu of eastern flowing water.
Yan Kai already half year have never seen to celebrate a king, be when he walk into room he frightens a to greatly jump, this still formerly of celebrate a king?Formerly of celebrate a king although being big,somehow having some is strong solid, while he see celebrate a king now, absolutely is a meat wall, fat must even see eyes to disappear on the face, a left a right hug two petite shape beautiful Qies, be like an old hen to cover two chicken Zais general, the size contrasts absolutely exaggerated must make people funny, the Yan Kai suddenly feels Li Qing An's plan perhaps will fail, does this celebrate a king to also walk?
"Do you seek me to occupy?"
The voice that celebrates a king is very deep and low, deeply wear a kind of deeply exhausted.
The Yan Kai walks to come forward a Gong body to salute a way:"I have an important affair to think to alone talk with his highness."
"Have what can talk of, the affair of outside however is all floating cloud, I have already had no interest."
At this time, Li Qiu also walked to come in and said with smile:"Why doesn't the king of the father listen to?This matter perhaps can change the father king's destiny."
Li Qiu already and the Yan Kai once communicated first, although Li Qing An hasn't found out him, this matter benefits according to his Li Qiu.Polish off a Di king, the cool king is then more organic will return east temple, be just Li Qiu really don't know, Li Long Ji has already considered that using emperor's eldest grandson is inherited east temple.
Although Li Cong isn't interested in the words of Yan Kai,he relatively listens to he's son's words, since Li Qiu suggest that he listens to, he then orders to nearby two woman's ways:"You go out!"
Two women hurriedly went out, Li Qiu closed the door, the ray in the room is immediately dark to come down, and Li Cong has some impatient ways:"The Sir what rubbish said!"
Yan Kai heel Li Cong Ba year, clear to his temperament, Li Cong is the person whom a doesn't like to do a lot of thinking, he like person tells him the result, and wants to go straight to topic, be like to tell that the story is similar, draws on his interest to, otherwise, make a turn to put on Cape to make him be getting more vexed, he then and immediately kicks out you.
"The his highness knows, the year before last year his highness drive punishment of saint, in fact drive Di frame-up king."
"What do you say?"
Li Cong is indeed as expected drawn on, he slowly sits to keep body, a Mi sews an eye to come out light, "I how drive Di does the king frame up?"
"Is Li Qing where Wei the late county is in fact assassinated one case, is a Di king BE, but he planted Zang to give his highness."
"Is Li Qing An assassinated?"
Li Cong has already had some to don't recall is what matter, his brains already the bluntness turn, a lot of past affairs he records not to live.
"Did the his highness forget?Saint up punishment his highness of three reasons, have a farmland excessive, Be suspected of sorcery Zhong, also have be assassinate a case most importantly."
"!"Li Cong thought of, is that assassinating of blast it, at that time he already ten thousand read ash all, the father emperor give°s this criminal charges Anne him of time, he didn't explain.
At this time Li Qiu also way:"The king of the father, in fact cover don't calculate more what, which prince the princess don't have a farmland, those prime minister still book not also similar?This doesn't calculate what offense, secondly east the temple sorcery Zhong case is in fact and clearly a Guo the country's madam make ghost, don't don't know on the saint?His heart knows the belly is clear, but lets father Wang Yi Ge person come to undertake a responsibility, Guo country madam what the matters all have no, whether this is fair?I think a case that saint's ascending is not true either to assassinate for this matter blaming and scolding a father king, a key still Li Qing An, I see this be father the king offends of real reason."
"Kinglet Ye cans say that again, if Wang Ye can turn over this case, I see the opportunity that the his highness don't necessarily don't stage a comeback."
Li Qiu and Yan Kai one advise 1 to pull, the Rao is that Li Cong is dull, also understood their meaning, is also say as long as prove own innocent, he has the opportunity to stage a comeback, he is just 43 years old this year, at this time, he suddenly again thought of young man to have Taoist priest to once calculate one life for him, said him at the age of 43, if the business didn't break, he very may suffer a big disaster, what this big disaster is mentioned is death.
Start to be frightened in Li Cong Xin, his Pie the Yan Kai is one eye, positive such as the Yan Kai understand him similar, he also equally understands Yan Kai, if don't have confidence with evidence, he will not come to say this matter for he.
"What evidence does the Sir have?"
"His highness, ten thousand years county county the Cheng is my good friend, he give once say, two assassin that is grasped afterwards drive Di the king killed, the evidence also has, I am seeking, but the his highness must invigorate, not ability then to formerly indulge in alcohol and women so, belong to under still is collecting Di the king's other evidence, want ~only evidence full, his highness can not only report the enemy of the frame-up in those early years, and can also drive the opportunity for staging a comeback, his highness, you have to believe you!"
Li Cong foolishly hopes a ceiling, he thought of that Taoist priest to his divination again, 43 years old,beats by dre studio, he is 43 years old this year, he doesn't want to die and thought of to die, Li Cong is stimulated awake.
"Is all right!This matter I am with full powers to hand over to you."
Li Cong dismantles a piece of jade card from the waist and pass to Li Qiu, way:"This jade card can control my all money, you need use how much, take how much?This time, you anyway want to me successfully!"
For putting to drag along to die of predestination, Li Cong decided to press last all money.
Come out from Li Cong's room, Li Qiu called to live Yan Kai, "Mr. Yan stop sending off!"
"Does kinglet Ye still occupy?"
"You come with me!"
Li Qiu takes to Yan Kai a quiet outdoors, once his face sink and then come straight to the point ground to ask a way:"You say honest words for me, what is Li Qing An's real purpose ?Do you only want to overthrow Di that the king is so simple?"
Yan Kai didn't tell his Li Qing An real purpose, he just said, Li Qing An wants to lend this matter overthrows a Di king and lends the hand of celebrating the king to do, but he also knows, this matter deceives not to live, Li Qiu soon then will know, if don't communicate with him in time, he perhaps also bad matter.
"Do not deceive kinglet Ye, Li Qing An's real purpose is to want to let to celebrate his highness king to replace a Di king, stay in to Anne's west, so he has to polish off a Di king first.
"What?"Li Qiu gets a shock, " you are to say that the king of Di is going to Anne's west stay in!"
Li Qiu unexpectedly didn't hear this matter, he still has been thinking that the king of Di is the most emollient competitor who battles out an east temple.
"This affair that is when?"Li Qiu is some hasty.
"I am to listen to Li Qing An speak of and seem be just decided yesterday, time was very urgent, Li Qing An said the day after tomorrow beginning ten, will hold a dynasty meeting, if previously can not settle down, probably too late."
Li Qiu is a bit foolish to live, if the Di king can not go into main east temple, who will that is?Glory king, always a king is still a clever king?He had for the first time a kind of incapable is the felling of dint.
At dusk divide, the Cui only and far took an attendant to arrive at Anne of city outside west soldier army camp, Li Qing An's good-morning lined up his close soldiers all Wei the river Be small year of to wait for him in the army camp front door, the river is small year of simply far arriving for seeing Cui to hurriedly come forward to salute to ask a way:"Do bearer but Cui county make?"
"BE exactly!"
"The Cui county makes to please quickly, my house's great commander soldier already at wait for general."
"Is really sorry, I always at seek the great commander soldier wants of thing, so night 1:00."
"?Don't you know that the Cui county makes has been already found out?"
"Do not fail in mission luckily!"
The skin bag that the Cui only and far clapped to clap to along with take says with smile:"Here."
"Good!The Cui county makes to please to dismount into a camp."
The Cui only and far turns over a body to dismount, a put to say with smile:"The general pleases!"
2 people successively walked into army camp, Cui light far though the county make, but he is brave strong good force, have been dreaming of one day can lead troops to fight, the tang dynasty is different from future generations, the text force divides inheritance, strong Tang Wu Feng is strong, and the text officer leads troops the circumstance for fighting all like that.
He sees the tent in the army camp tidy, food for powder each Bang big waist circle, awe-inspiring, walk to necessarily embark on a journey, station necessarily become row, the military discipline is severe, Cui light far not from secretly nod, "indeed as expected live up to reputation, compare under, sword south the soldier will be inferior to many, say nothing of the Wei soldiers of capital city.
He walks to one is big before the debt, the river is small year of to loudly report to report:"Report to report a great commander soldier, the Cui county makes!"
Once the debt Lian lift, Li Qing An smiled to walk out, "the Cui county made to make us long to wait."
At Li Qing An after death, the central figure of two days before woulding be Xing 縡 , he gratefully to Cui light far arch arch hand, though the legal case of Xing 縡 already conclude, the Xing 縡 temporarily still don't dare and go home, he only and perhaps encounters Yang Guo Zhong's revenge and only waits until an affair and completely quells, he just can return to mansion, have Wang Shi the brothers and live him for backstage, just canning protecting getting at him so much.
Though Li Qing An and Wang gongs have already formed alliance,their friendships aren't deep, so at to some extent that, they of in fact still a kind of strategic colleague's relation, the ally of not just real meaning, therefore, the importance of the Xing 縡 then rears, positive the Xing 縡 has Wang Shi the relation of the brothers, so he then and invisibly becomes a bridge of Li Qing An and Wang Gong's.
Cui light farsighted Li Qing An comes out, he hurriedly wants to take out the clerk whom Li Qing An wants from the skin bag, Li Qing An picks up clerk, the clerk is thick thick a to fold, and he quickly turned over to turn over, but didn't see the receipt that he want.
"The great commander soldier is seeking this!"
Cui simply far taking out an envelope from the bosom draws out a very thin paper from it, slightly some hairs are getting more yellow, Li Qing An once connects letter paper, is exactly lift to walk gold state two strange receipts, falling the style is exactly a Di the king's staff, Han Bai Yan, , time before the Wei late county assassinates a case two months.
For this receipt, the most decisive evidence, finally fall in own hand, Li Qing has peace of mind medium exultation, he hurriedly accepted to like this receipt and said with smile:"Like, we don't talk public affairs tonight, says romantic, the Cui county makes to just come in!"
"The great commander soldier pleases!"
3 people walked into a big debt, the big debt inside had already put a table of feast, a close soldier is giving their Wen Jiu, the feast sits 2 people, staff, Li Bi, who is Li Qing An, the Cui light far knows with him, he hurriedly Gong body Shi Yi Li, way:"Mr. Li, long time no see!"
Li Bi's station starts gift to once say with smile:"Eight year agos, I and does the Cui county know each other and have never thought a Cui county to make to incredibly still know me?Li Bi is ashamed!"
"Where!Where!Mr. Li's youth's remarkable talent, remember Mr. Li's still big someone at."
The Cui only and far smiled to smile, he hoped toward another one person again, but stunned speechless a while.
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